With that being said, you may not really understand how to keep your house clean all the time while still having time for anything else. I don't. The people I know who have beautiful, clean houses never seem to be cleaning. They always seem to be out eating lunch with friends, or shopping, or at a class, or watching a movie with their family. When in the hell do they clean, anyway? For me, cleaning has always seemed like a full-time job! Maybe that's because I let all my cleaning chores get piled up so that it would take a huge all-day project to get everything looking good?
I did a little research for you and found an article that may shed some light on those people who seem to have everything in their house under control. The program is called the Real Simple "Keep-It-Clean Plan". Supposedly you can clean your house every day and keep it clean using only 20 minutes a day! This seems like a really good technique, and the way it works is if you actually do everything it says every day after a few days everything with start looking really great and pulled together! For instance, spending one minute cleaning up dust bunnies and crumbs with a hand-held vacuum. I bet if I did this every day for a week my living room would be a lot cleaner! And you could bet I would be timing it down to the second!
Speaking of hand-held vacuums, maybe if my boyfriend is reading this he will get me one of these new hand-held vacuums that look likes a lava lamp! I really want one cause I hate lugging out the huge vacuum for a small job.

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