This is my plan of action:
1. Take everything out of closet
2. Have piles of stuff, depending on whether it should go back in the closet, to another place in the house, or to the garbage. If you are not sure have a seperate pile to go over again at the end.
3. Clean out closet by vacuuming, dusting, etc.
4. Decide if you need some kind of organization tools such as more RubberMaid containers, a closet organizer system, or shelving.
5. Install anything from Step 4.
6. Put everything in its decided place- back in the closet, to another closet (this is a funny one), or to the garbage.

Also it may help to be really straight forward with yourself about whether you really need something. Do you really need 5 pairs of scissors? If so, would you be better suited putting them where you might need them? One in the bathroom, one near the laundry, one in the box of gift-wrap, etc. But don't do what I do and stop cleaning the closet in order to put together a gift wrapping kit- you will never finish anything that way!
It's so hard to not get sidetracked when cleaning closets! There's so much neat shit in them thar hills. And I never learn that it is always (at least) an entire day project.
I'm Steph Cruz, one of your blog followers. I work for it's a site dedicated to giving information and advice to people who are thinking about launching their own cleaning business.
Anyhow, I sent you this email to ask if you would consider having me write a guest post on your blog. It can just be a short article about cleaning, housekeeping, household cleaning tips, window washing - or really anything that you might find interesting.
Please let me know what you think. Thanks in advance and I look forward to hearing from you.
Sincerely Yours,
Anne Stephanie Cruz
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