Thursday, February 1, 2007

Cleaning Old and Dirty Grout

A few months ago I was so sick of the dingy grout around the shower and all the tiles in the bathroom (my bathroom is from the 50s and is 2/3rds avocado-colored tile). So what I did was got some rolls of paper towels, soaked them in a solution of a lot of bleach and a lot of water (probably way too much bleach) and slapped the wet towels on the walls. They stuck cause they were wet. Then periodically all day I would take a spray bottle and dampen the towels some more so they would continue to stick on the walls.

You know, this may seem dangerous to some but when I took the paper towels off the grout was soooo much whiter it was amazing.

Good luck to you if you try this at home! May I suggest a gas-mask?

1 comment:

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